Must Watch Seminar - Affiliation of Shia schools with Aga Khan Examination Board Part 3 - Urdu
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating...
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating awareness in the community regarding AKUEB. Speakers in the seminar were Aga Zahid Ali Zahidi, Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi, Moulana Shabbir Maisami. This part contains speech of Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi.
Runtime: 24m:28s
8th Dua-E-Ramazan 2007-Tafseer-Urdu-Dubai
Let me have mercy on orphans,
Feed hungry,
spread peace,
company of noble minded,
o shelter of the hopeful!
God has ordered the powerful...
Let me have mercy on orphans,
Feed hungry,
spread peace,
company of noble minded,
o shelter of the hopeful!
God has ordered the powerful people of the society to take responsibility for the weak,esp those who are orphans
One who helps an orphan actually does it only for God,as an orphan is the helpless one and you get nothing in return ,,
Hadith:if someone put his hand on the head of the orphan with mercy,he gets the hasanat(rewards) comparable to the number of hairs that were covered!
Let me have the capablity to feed the people;
Most deserving are those who are not well fed already,if you dont get any such people deserving,look beyond your vicinity,,the point is not just feeding,but give a helping hand to those who are deprived,,
Make sure,that you are in the company with such pepople who are deprived,,
Todays world despite of having the best means of communications ever, has invented extreme ignorance among people personal affairs,,one who is rich,is not aware of the those who are sufferers,and those suffering, find them alone ,,,
when quran praises Alh ul Bait ,of their giving food in the way of God,,He says that they give sincerely in the way of God and expect nothing in return,,,
Let me spread peace,,
one of the greatness of the religion that it brings people closer thru the greeting of peace,,religion asks you to say salams to one another and say it with heart,,desire really from the botom of the heart that you really want to give somthing good to the other person,,let it not be only a ritual,,,rather make it really a live gift,,
Let me have the company of the who have great will power,
,,one who feels pleasure in carrying out the commands,,does not falls back,,
Imam Ali says if you sit with such peple you will learn greatness and they will be helpful as well,,
Once when we are thinking for the company of our kids ,this should be bore in mind as well,,,give them good company,,
sometimes we feel pleasure with those who are not very practicing,,but at the same time we say we want good company,,this means that we are decieving ourselves,,
it is the greatness of such great will- powered people,,that they will turn you same like them,,
If you wnat to chk your standards of your ethical status,,see your company,,,
O shelter of teh hopeful!!
Runtime: 15m:39s
Must Watch Seminar- Affiliation of Shia schools with Aga Khan Examination Board Part 2 -Urdu
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating...
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating awareness in the community regarding AKUEB. Speakers in the seminar were Aga Zahid Ali Zahidi, Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ-, Moulana Shabbir Maisami. This part contains Q/A session of Aga Zahid Ali Zahidi
Runtime: 11m:46s
Must watch حٌبِ علی اور حق غدير Love of imam Ali and rights of Ghadeer(Nawabshah) 26 Dec - Part
ھم سب ظالم ہيں مگر کيسے
ھم عيد غدير مناتے ہيں صرف اس کو ذندہٰٰ
رکھنے کے لۓ-جيسے...
ھم سب ظالم ہيں مگر کيسے
ھم عيد غدير مناتے ہيں صرف اس کو ذندہٰٰ
رکھنے کے لۓ-جيسے مريض ہسپتال ٰ
ميں نہ کہ ولايتِ علی ع کو جاری رکھنے کے لۓٰٰ
seminar By AMZ
We are Celebrating Eid-E-Ghadeer as one of the greatest Eid just for keeping it alive like a patient in Hospital (ICU)– Not for running of Vilyat-E-Ameer ul Momineen
Hum sub Zalim hain Magar Kaisay ?
Is it time to Enjoy or Cry , what happened with Ghadeer ?
Did we ask ourselves, what happened with the Vilayat E Ameer ul Momineen (a.s)?
Did followers or Mohibs fullfill their duties?
Is talking about the size of stage and crowd is enough?
Suppose after one year during Haj Abuzar, Mesum Tammar, Ammar E Yasir and Salman Farsi were asked about Ghadeer
What would they respond, will they enjoy or cry? They will cry because Bibi Fatima (a.s) was the first sacrifice of Ghadeer and the Vilyat was taken away.
Is Ghadeer Vilayt E Tashrihee or Takwini
What is Vilayat E Tashrihee:
How to pass our life – The way Ali like?
How to act against Zalemeen – The way Ali like?
How we celebrate our marriages – the way Ali like?
What time we wake up – the time Ali wants?
This is called Vilayat Tashrihee
What is Tasheeah Janaza ? Janazay kay saath chalnay wala
What is shia E Ali (a.s) – Ali ( a.s) kay saath Chalna wala
Runtime: 28m:59s
02 Muharam - Karbala Nusrate Imamat ki darsgah - Urdu
A series of thought provoking lectures by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi from Kenya for the servants of Imam Mehdi (a.s)
A series of thought provoking lectures by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi from Kenya for the servants of Imam Mehdi (a.s)
Runtime: 51m:15s
Factors of success of Protest at Governor House - Ali Murtaza Zaidi - [CLIP] Urdu
An extract from majlis of Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi in which he comments on the factors which made the governor house sit-in a success. Aga also...
An extract from majlis of Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi in which he comments on the factors which made the governor house sit-in a success. Aga also discussed what could be the future tactics of enemies and how to deal with those
Runtime: 24m:59s
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2292 days ago
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[Seminar] Takreem Shohada Maqawamat Wa Muhafizaan e Hareem e Alaybait (as) | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Seminar: Takreem Shohada Maqawamat Wa Muhafizaan e Hareem e Alaybait (as)
سیمینار : تکریم شہداء مقاومت و...
Seminar: Takreem Shohada Maqawamat Wa Muhafizaan e Hareem e Alaybait (as)
سیمینار : تکریم شہداء مقاومت و محافظان حریم اہل بیتؑ
Speaker : H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Venue : Imambargah Sharikatul Hussain (sa), Gulistan-e-Johar, Karachi
بمقام: امام بارگاہ شریکۃ الحسین ؑ ، گلستان جوہر ، کراچی
Date : 05 February 2020
Runtime: 22m:37s