1st Majlis Seerat e Bi Bi Fatima (s.a) - April 2012 - Urdu
1st Majlis Seerat e Bi Bi Fatima (s.a)
Speaker: HIWM Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Venue: Stanmore Islamic Centre, London
From 21 April...
1st Majlis Seerat e Bi Bi Fatima (s.a)
Speaker: HIWM Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Venue: Stanmore Islamic Centre, London
From 21 April - 26 APril 2012
Runtime: 53m:24s
[1/2] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - عصر غیبت اور امت کی رہنمائی - Jan 16 2013 - Urdu
Majlis 1
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of Era of Ghaibat and Guidance of nation.
Venue : Imam...
Majlis 1
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of Era of Ghaibat and Guidance of nation.
Venue : Imam Bargah Shuhada-e Karbala, Ancholi Karachi
Date : 3 Rabiul Awwal 1434, 16 January 2013
Runtime: 64m:37s
[2/2] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - عصر غیبت اور امت کی رہنمائی - Jan 16 2013 - Urdu
Majlis 2
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of Era of Ghaibat and Guidance of nation.
Venue : Imam...
Majlis 2
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of Era of Ghaibat and Guidance of nation.
Venue : Imam Bargah Shuhada-e Karbala, Ancholi Karachi
Date : 5 Rabiul Awwal 1434, 18 January 2013
Runtime: 65m:26s
[1/2] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - غیبت میں دینی انحراف اور دین کی حفاظت - Jan 19 2013 - Urdu
Majlis 1
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of Deviation in deen during Ghaibat and securing deen....
Majlis 1
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of Deviation in deen during Ghaibat and securing deen.
Venue : Markazi Imam Bargah Jafare Tayyar, Malir - Karachi
Date : 6 Rabiul Awwal 1434, 19 January 2013
Runtime: 54m:6s
[2/2] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - غیبت میں دینی انحراف اور دین کی حفاظت - Jan 20 2013 - Urdu
Majlis 2
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of Deviation in deen during Ghaibat and securing deen....
Majlis 2
Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered these two majalis on the topic of Deviation in deen during Ghaibat and securing deen.
Venue : Markazi Imam Bargah Jafare Tayyar, Malir - Karachi
Date : 7 Rabiul Awwal 1434, 20 January 2013
Runtime: 58m:8s
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CLIP | مجاہد: عاشقِ موت | Hujjat ul Islam Maulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Urdu
مجاہد کی دو خصوصیات ہوتی ہیں. پہلی یہ کہ وه موت کا عاشق اور طلبگار ہوتا ہے. وه موت...
مجاہد کی دو خصوصیات ہوتی ہیں. پہلی یہ کہ وه موت کا عاشق اور طلبگار ہوتا ہے. وه موت کو تسخیر کردیتا ہے. دوسری یہ کہ وه دنیا کو ذلیل کردیتا ہے. وه انسان کہ جو نہ دنیا کا لالچی ہو اور نہ ہی موت سے ڈرتا ہو، اسے ہرایا نہیں جاسکتا. اسی لیے شہید ہمیشہ جیتتا ہے. مزید...
Full Seminar:
Background Taranas by: Syed Ali Safdar Rizvi
[ Shaheed Foundation Pakistan & Imamia Students Organization Pakistan ]
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Runtime: 12m:19s