NahajulBalaghah - Purification is the key - Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Day 2 of lecture series on Nahajul Balaghah by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ. Discussion was is mainly focused on the importance of purification of...
Day 2 of lecture series on Nahajul Balaghah by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ. Discussion was is mainly focused on the importance of purification of soul. In fact according to Moula Ali AS the solution to all our problems is to purify our souls. 11 April 2008
Runtime: 53m:26s
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6142 days ago
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[Audio] - NahajulBalaghah - Lecture No. 3 - Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Day 3 of lecture series on Nahajul Balaghah by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ. Agha started the lecture by describing the application of the Khutbaat...
Day 3 of lecture series on Nahajul Balaghah by Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-AMZ. Agha started the lecture by describing the application of the Khutbaat of Ameerul Momineen AS on all nations and eras as his message is for the spirit of humanity. In this lecture Agha talked about the importance of honesty and character building in the light of Moula Ali sermons. He also spoke about the fact that how Satan attacks human beings at different levels. 18 April 2008
Runtime: 53m:15s
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6137 days ago
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روحانيت کے بنيادی اصول Fundamental laws of Spirituality by HI Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi-Urdu
Fundamental laws of Spirituality by HI Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered on 23rd March 2009
(1) Power of Sprituality
(2) Ayatullah...
Fundamental laws of Spirituality by HI Agha Ali Murtaza Zaidi delivered on 23rd March 2009
(1) Power of Sprituality
(2) Ayatullah Behlool and his Sprituality
(3) Spirituality of Ayatullah Khomeini
(4) How to perform right Lanat ?
(5) Disaster of doing wrong way of Lanat ?
(6) Powerfulness of Spiritual laws over physical laws
(7) Bill Clinton's face reading?
(8) Impacts of Ziarat Ashura and Pray of Gufaila ?
Runtime: 59m:54s