[Talkshow] ZAVIA | Palestine Crisis 2023 | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi & Prof. Dr. Zahid Ali Zahidi | Urdu
Exclusive Program [ ZAVIA ] زاویہ (Palestine Crisis 2023)
[Talkshow] ZAVIA | Palestine Crisis 2023 | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza...
Exclusive Program [ ZAVIA ] زاویہ (Palestine Crisis 2023)
[Talkshow] ZAVIA | Palestine Crisis 2023 | H.I Molana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi & Prof. Dr. Zahid Ali Zahidi | Urdu
H.I Molana Ali Murtaza Zaidi حجۃ الاسلام مولاناعلی مرتضیٰ زیدی
Prof. Dr. Zahid Ali Zahidi پروفیسر ڈاکٹر زاہد علی زاہدی
Date: 14-10-2023
Runtime: 66m:59s
SPIRIT OF RAMZAN-Sept 2007-Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi-Urdu
Start your Ramazan with the great speech of Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi- what is the message of Ramzan for us-Self Control-Why water and other halal...
Start your Ramazan with the great speech of Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi- what is the message of Ramzan for us-Self Control-Why water and other halal foods are prohibited- A must listen speech Recorded for this Ramzan September 2007
Runtime: 26m:40s
[بیداری اسلامی کانفرنس] Speech H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi - 28 Sept 2013 - Urdu
[[بیداری اسلامی کانفرنس]a(42) Salaana Markazi Umeed e Mustazahfeen Jahan Convention - واں سالانہ مرکزی...
[[بیداری اسلامی کانفرنس]a(42) Salaana Markazi Umeed e Mustazahfeen Jahan Convention - واں سالانہ مرکزی امیدِ مستضعفین جہاں کنونشن - H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - 28 September 2013 - Venue: Jamiatul Muntazir, Lahore - Urdu
Runtime: 20m:0s
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3577 days ago
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