2-Ayatullah Syed Rohullah Khomeini-Death Anniversary Part 2
Lessons from the life of Great Leader - Video Lecture 3rd June 1989 - 2007 Videos Audio Speeches Presentation Special Lecture - Hojjatul Islam Ali...
Lessons from the life of Great Leader - Video Lecture 3rd June 1989 - 2007 Videos Audio Speeches Presentation Special Lecture - Hojjatul Islam Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Runtime: 14m:28s
Marefat-e-Quran - Molana Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of Marefat-e-Quran which was 14th lecture of FIKRI NASHIST series
Lecture delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of Marefat-e-Quran which was 14th lecture of FIKRI NASHIST series
Runtime: 71m:26s
[Audio] - AMZ - Asr e Hazir kee Mushkilat or Deen Main Unka Hull 1 - Rizq - Urdu
[Audio]-Monthly lecture by Syed Ali Murtuza Zaidi on Asr e Hazir kee Mushkilat or Deen Main Unka Hull at Madinatul ilm. AMZ delivered first lecture...
[Audio]-Monthly lecture by Syed Ali Murtuza Zaidi on Asr e Hazir kee Mushkilat or Deen Main Unka Hull at Madinatul ilm. AMZ delivered first lecture on RIZQ on April 04
Runtime: 120m:35s
Wilayat e Faqih - AMZ - Urdu
Lecture on Wilayat e Faqih by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi. Lecture is followed by Question and Answer session
Lecture on Wilayat e Faqih by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi. Lecture is followed by Question and Answer session
Runtime: 102m:20s
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5209 days ago
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Q & A with Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi @ Muslim Community Hall Ilford London - Urdu
A short lecture followed by Q & A session held @ Muslim community Hall Ilford London on 26th May 2012. The lecture was delivered by H.I.W.M...
A short lecture followed by Q & A session held @ Muslim community Hall Ilford London on 26th May 2012. The lecture was delivered by H.I.W.M SYED ALI MURTAZA ZAIDI who is a prominent religious scholar based in Karachi (Pak). He got his religious education from Qum (Iran) and studied M.Phill in Political Sciences . This programme includes different types of Questions related to Education, Politics, Commerce, IT, Energy and Power shortage in Pakistan and global financial crisis etc.
Runtime: 93m:28s