[Audio] - What realy happened in Kofa ? Shahadate Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s) by Agha
Shahadate Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi-What really happened with Muslim Ibn-e-Aqeel (a.s) in Kofa ?
What are...
Shahadate Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi-What really happened with Muslim Ibn-e-Aqeel (a.s) in Kofa ?
What are practical lessons in this event of HazratE-Muslim for us?
What characteristics of Shias of Imam Ali (a.s) stopped them in helping his nephew (Hazrat Muslim ) and son (Imam Hussain a.s)?
What is Kofiism /Tribalism/Community-ism and their roots?
Neither Deen nor Aqaid but Kofa First/Tribe First/Community First
To be Kofi is equal to be Neutral or using only tongue for Islam – protecting his/her materialistic life
Apparently Deendar but Helpless in supporting truth
Feel difficult in backing right people or oppressors
Feel extremely difficult to oppose wrong people
Very good in practicing (ONLY) Namaz / Fasting/ and all Fiqhi matters but perform Amar Bil Maroof as per his/her easiness.
Runtime: 64m:30s
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5611 days ago
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[Audio] - Marefat-e-Imam Aur Uski Mushkilat - AMZ - Urdu
[Audio]-Majlis recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of MAREFAT E IMAM AUR USKI MUSHKILAT at Babul Ilm Karachi
[Audio]-Majlis recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic of MAREFAT E IMAM AUR USKI MUSHKILAT at Babul Ilm Karachi
Runtime: 62m:20s
Role of US - Past, Present and Future - AMZ - Urdu
Seminar conducted by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic ROLE OF US IN NEW WORLD ORDER. Lecture was followed by Q/A session.
Seminar conducted by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic ROLE OF US IN NEW WORLD ORDER. Lecture was followed by Q/A session.
Runtime: 105m:46s
( Not yet rated )
5402 days ago
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( Not yet rated )
5402 days ago
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[Audio] Payam-e-Mehdi Seminar 2 - Day 1 (Intezar-e-Imam a.s) Part - 1 - Urdu
[Audio] This is the video of our Second Seminar Day 1.
Topic: Intezar-e-Imam a.s kamaal-e-insaniyat ki simt ek kadam
Speaker: Maulana Ali...
[Audio] This is the video of our Second Seminar Day 1.
Topic: Intezar-e-Imam a.s kamaal-e-insaniyat ki simt ek kadam
Speaker: Maulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Venue: Imam Bargah-e-Shoda-e-Karbala
(join our group on facebook "payam-e-Mehdi")
Runtime: 32m:30s
Quran Conference 23 Ramazan 1431 H - AMZ - Urdu
Speech by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi in Quran Conference, Ramazan 1431 H at Catholic Ground
Speech by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi in Quran Conference, Ramazan 1431 H at Catholic Ground
Runtime: 28m:33s
Maqsad-e-Hayat - Lecture 5 - Wiraasat- AMZ - Urdu
Series of lectures delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi under the main topic MAQSADE HAYAT. Topic of this lecture is Wiraasat/Inheritance
Series of lectures delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi under the main topic MAQSADE HAYAT. Topic of this lecture is Wiraasat/Inheritance
Runtime: 77m:34s
[AUDIO] Asr-e-Gaibat Ki Mushkilat - Majlis - AMZ - Urdu
Majlis recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic ASRE GAIBAT KI MUSHKILAT at Hussainia Sajjadia, North Nazimabad, Karachi
Majlis recited by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on the topic ASRE GAIBAT KI MUSHKILAT at Hussainia Sajjadia, North Nazimabad, Karachi
Runtime: 56m:22s
Political Analysis Program - Zavia - February 10, 2012 - AMZ - Urdu
Political Analyst : H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 10th February 2012
Venue : Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani hall ,Karachi
Recorded by : Wisdom...
Political Analyst : H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 10th February 2012
Venue : Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani hall ,Karachi
Recorded by : Wisdom Gateway Productions Pakistan +92-345-2487579, +92-322-4468100
Runtime: 99m:8s