12th Ramzan 09 - Making Mission, Significance of Aamal - Dubai -Urdu
Make mission something that has longterm value.
- the only thing helpful in long run is amal: which is based on intention.
- hadith: consider the...
Make mission something that has longterm value.
- the only thing helpful in long run is amal: which is based on intention.
- hadith: consider the world as miniscule, it will fall into ur laps.
- hadith to make people and Allah happy: zuhd from duniya, god will appreciate and avoid things that people have.
- 3 levels of life: khulq, malakoot and jabaroot. these are this physical world, barzakh and world of aql. the jannat of 3 r also different, jannat of last world is only for those who have good tauheed.
- sura sabaa: 25mins:
- chains will be holding men in here after. 70 links of his desires will hold him.
- some people are too busy with worldly affairs (mutrifeen), very happy (fariheen). work agst rasool, the are followed by the regular people.
- mutrifeen have money and children and believe they will not be punished.
- but the only way to get preference is to get imaan and and amaal e saleh: double benefit.
- karbala best dars to teach: stand up agst : syed baqirus sadr
speech from dubai by agha ali murtaza zaidi
Runtime: 52m:6s
[Audio] Payam-e-Mehdi Seminar 2 - Day 1 (Intezar-e-Imam a.s) Part - 1 - Urdu
[Audio] This is the video of our Second Seminar Day 1.
Topic: Intezar-e-Imam a.s kamaal-e-insaniyat ki simt ek kadam
Speaker: Maulana Ali...
[Audio] This is the video of our Second Seminar Day 1.
Topic: Intezar-e-Imam a.s kamaal-e-insaniyat ki simt ek kadam
Speaker: Maulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Venue: Imam Bargah-e-Shoda-e-Karbala
(join our group on facebook "payam-e-Mehdi")
Runtime: 32m:30s
[1] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - کربلا کی تعلیمات اور اسلامی اقدار کا نظام - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام...
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام
Place : Masjido Imam Bargahe Noore Iman
Recorded by : Wisdom Gateway Productions Pakistan +92-345-2487579, +92-322-4468100
Runtime: 70m:30s
[2] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - کربلا کی تعلیمات اور اسلامی اقدار کا نظام - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام...
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام
Place : Masjido Imam Bargahe Noore Iman
Recorded by : Wisdom Gateway Productions Pakistan +92-345-2487579, +92-322-4468100
Runtime: 53m:56s
[3] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - کربلا کی تعلیمات اور اسلامی اقدار کا نظام - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام...
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام
Place : Masjido Imam Bargahe Noore Iman
Recorded by : Wisdom Gateway Productions Pakistan +92-345-2487579, +92-322-4468100
Runtime: 63m:53s
[4] H.I. Ali Murtaza Zaidi - کربلا کی تعلیمات اور اسلامی اقدار کا نظام - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام...
Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Ali Murtaza Ziaidi
Topic : کربلا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اسلامی اقدار کا نظام
Place : Masjido Imam Bargahe Noore Iman
Recorded by : Wisdom Gateway Productions Pakistan +92-345-2487579, +92-322-4468100
Runtime: 63m:22s
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1018 days ago
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[Clip] Ek Qanun Aur Kamyabi | Molana Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Urdu
اس ایک قانون پر عمل کر لیں
مستقبل میں آپکی کامیابی حتمی ہے۔۔۔
اس ایک قانون پر عمل کر لیں
مستقبل میں آپکی کامیابی حتمی ہے۔۔۔
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Runtime: 6m:33s
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1018 days ago
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1016 days ago
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