Political Analysis Program - Zavia - September 18, 2011 - AMZ - Urdu
Political Analyst : Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 18th September 2011
Venue : Fatimiyah Community Center Gusalkhana,Karachi
Political Analyst : Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 18th September 2011
Venue : Fatimiyah Community Center Gusalkhana,Karachi
Runtime: 74m:44s
Political Analysis Program - Zavia - October 30, 2011 - AMZ - Urdu
Political Analyst : H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 30th oCTOBER 2011
Venue : Fatimiyah Community Center Gusalkhana,Karachi
Political Analyst : H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
Date : 30th oCTOBER 2011
Venue : Fatimiyah Community Center Gusalkhana,Karachi
Runtime: 79m:12s
[1] Seminar: Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies - Urdu
An Exclusive Urdu Seminar on the topic of Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies held at Islamic Centre of England London on...
An Exclusive Urdu Seminar on the topic of Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies held at Islamic Centre of England London on 29th April 2012.
Guest Speaker: H.I.W.M Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Karachi)
Runtime: 57m:51s
[2] Seminar: Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies - Urdu
An Exclusive Urdu Seminar on the topic of Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies held at Islamic Centre of England London on...
An Exclusive Urdu Seminar on the topic of Shia Muslims in the Modern world Challenges and Strategies held at Islamic Centre of England London on 29th April 2012.
Guest Speaker: H.I.W.M Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi (Karachi)
Runtime: 84m:2s
SMS Revolution 2, By Molana Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Runtime: 3m:46s
[2] Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May | H.I Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Safar 1442 | Urdu
Majlis 02 | 02 Safar 1442
Topic: Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May
موضوع: تہذیب نفس ، دعائے...
Majlis 02 | 02 Safar 1442
Topic: Tehzeeb -e- Nafs, Dua-e- Makarim -e- Ikhlaaq Ke Roshni May
موضوع: تہذیب نفس ، دعائے مکارم اخلاق کی روشنی میں
Speaker: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضی زیدی
Venue: Bhojani Hall, Soldier Bazar, Karachi
بمقام: بھوجانی ہال ، سولجر بازار - کراچی
Date: 20 September 2020
Runtime: 58m:14s
Must Watch Seminar - Affiliation of Shia schools with Aga Khan Examination Board Part 3 - Urdu
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating...
A seminar was organized by youth of KPSIAJ Karachi on the topic "Affiliation of SHIA schools in AKUEB?" with the aim of generating awareness in the community regarding AKUEB. Speakers in the seminar were Aga Zahid Ali Zahidi, Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi, Moulana Shabbir Maisami. This part contains speech of Aga Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi.
Runtime: 24m:28s
(4)دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت Vilayate-E-Ahlabait in our time and Responsibilities of
4th Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main...
4th Safar
دورِ حاضر ميں ولايتِ اہليبيت اور اہلِ ولايت کی ذمہ دارياں
Dor-e-Hazir main Wilayat-e-Ahlebait (a.s) aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian
10 Majalis on the topic Dore Hazir main Wilayate Ahlebait as aur Ahle Wilayat ki zimmedarian by Moulana Ali Murtaza Zaidi These majalis are held in Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Soldier Bazar Karachi – Urdu
Runtime: 62m:19s