[4] اسلامی اخلاقیات اور معاشرتی بیداری - H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Safar 1433 - Urdu
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at...
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Karachi 4 Safar 1433
Runtime: 55m:0s
[5] اسلامی اخلاقیات اور معاشرتی بیداری - H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Safar 1433 - Urdu
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at...
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Karachi 5 Safar 1433
Runtime: 63m:43s
[7] اسلامی اخلاقیات اور معاشرتی بیداری - H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Safar 1433 - Urdu
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at...
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Karachi 7 Safar 1433
Runtime: 61m:20s
[8] اسلامی اخلاقیات اور معاشرتی بیداری - H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Safar 1433 - Urdu
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at...
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Karachi 8 Safar 1433
Runtime: 60m:6s
[9] اسلامی اخلاقیات اور معاشرتی بیداری - H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Safar 1433 - Urdu
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at...
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Karachi 9 Safar 1433
Runtime: 56m:22s
[10] اسلامی اخلاقیات اور معاشرتی بیداری - H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Safar 1433 - Urdu
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at...
Ashra-e-Majalis on the topic - Islamic ethics and social awakening - Islami akhlaqiat aur maashrati beedari - by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi at Shaheed Hameed Ali Bhojani Hall Karachi 10 Safar 1433
Runtime: 52m:5s
( Not yet rated )
2673 days ago
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[Clip] Ahlebait (as) Say Nisbat ka Mehwar | H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Topic: Ahlebait (as) Say Nisbat ka Mehwar
موضوع: اہلبیت علیہم السلام سے نسبت کا محور...
Topic: Ahlebait (as) Say Nisbat ka Mehwar
موضوع: اہلبیت علیہم السلام سے نسبت کا محور
Speaker: H.I Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi
حجۃ الاسلام سید مرتضی زیدی
Watch Full Majlis Here:
Runtime: 6m:20s
CLIP | عالمِ دین آخر کیا کرے؟ | H.I. Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi | Urdu
پاکستان میں ایران، عراق، لبنان اور بحرین وغیرہ کی طرح ایک عالم دین اپنی پوری...
پاکستان میں ایران، عراق، لبنان اور بحرین وغیرہ کی طرح ایک عالم دین اپنی پوری افادیت ظاہر نہیں کر پاتا۔ اسکی ایک اہم وجہ یہ ہے کہ ہمارا معاشرہ ابھی عالم دین کو اپنا حصہ نہیں مانتا۔ عالم کے پاس زندگی گزارنے کے وہ مواقع اور سہولیات نہیں ہیں جو معاشرے کے دیگر افراد کے پاس موجود ہیں۔ جب ایک دینی طالب علم کی بنیادی معاشی اور معاشرتی ضرورتیں ہی پوری نہیں ہونگی تو کیسے دین ہمارے معاشرے پر مثبت اثرات مرتب کر سکے گا؟ مزید۔۔۔
Full Seminar:
Runtime: 10m:15s
حٌبِ علی اور حقِ غدير Love of imam Ali and rights of Ghadeer(Nawabshah) 26 Dec - Part 01
ھم سب ظالم ہيں مگر کيسے
ھم عيد غدير مناتے ہيں صرف اس کو ذندہٰٰ
رکھنے کے لۓ-جيسے...
ھم سب ظالم ہيں مگر کيسے
ھم عيد غدير مناتے ہيں صرف اس کو ذندہٰٰ
رکھنے کے لۓ-جيسے مريض ہسپتال ٰ
ميں نہ کہ ولايتِ علی ع کو جاری رکھنے کے لۓٰٰ
by AMZ
We are Celebrating Eid-E-Ghadeer as one of the greatest Eid just for keeping it alive like a patient in Hospital (ICU)– Not for running of Vilyat-E-Ameer ul Momineen
Hum sub Zalim hain Magar Kaisay ?
Is it time to Enjoy or Cry , what happened with Ghadeer ?
Did we ask ourselves, what happened with the Vilayat E Ameer ul Momineen (a.s)?
Did followers or Mohibs fullfill their duties?
Is talking about the size of stage and crowd is enough?
Suppose after one year during Haj Abuzar, Mesum Tammar, Ammar E Yasir and Salman Farsi were asked about Ghadeer
What would they respond, will they enjoy or cry? They will cry because Bibi Fatima (a.s) was the first sacrifice of Ghadeer and the Vilyat was taken away.
Is Ghadeer Vilayt E Tashrihee or Takwini
What is Vilayat E Tashrihee:
How to pass our life – The way Ali like?
How to act against Zalemeen – The way Ali like?
How we celebrate our marriages – the way Ali like?
What time we wake up – the time Ali wants?
This is called Vilayat Tashrihee
What is Tasheeah Janaza ? Janazay kay saath chalnay wala
What is shia E Ali (a.s) – Ali ( a.s) kay saath Chalna wala
Runtime: 47m:38s
Must watch حٌبِ علی اور حق غدير Love of imam Ali and rights of Ghadeer(Nawabshah) 26 Dec - Part
ھم سب ظالم ہيں مگر کيسے
ھم عيد غدير مناتے ہيں صرف اس کو ذندہٰٰ
رکھنے کے لۓ-جيسے...
ھم سب ظالم ہيں مگر کيسے
ھم عيد غدير مناتے ہيں صرف اس کو ذندہٰٰ
رکھنے کے لۓ-جيسے مريض ہسپتال ٰ
ميں نہ کہ ولايتِ علی ع کو جاری رکھنے کے لۓٰٰ
seminar By AMZ
We are Celebrating Eid-E-Ghadeer as one of the greatest Eid just for keeping it alive like a patient in Hospital (ICU)– Not for running of Vilyat-E-Ameer ul Momineen
Hum sub Zalim hain Magar Kaisay ?
Is it time to Enjoy or Cry , what happened with Ghadeer ?
Did we ask ourselves, what happened with the Vilayat E Ameer ul Momineen (a.s)?
Did followers or Mohibs fullfill their duties?
Is talking about the size of stage and crowd is enough?
Suppose after one year during Haj Abuzar, Mesum Tammar, Ammar E Yasir and Salman Farsi were asked about Ghadeer
What would they respond, will they enjoy or cry? They will cry because Bibi Fatima (a.s) was the first sacrifice of Ghadeer and the Vilyat was taken away.
Is Ghadeer Vilayt E Tashrihee or Takwini
What is Vilayat E Tashrihee:
How to pass our life – The way Ali like?
How to act against Zalemeen – The way Ali like?
How we celebrate our marriages – the way Ali like?
What time we wake up – the time Ali wants?
This is called Vilayat Tashrihee
What is Tasheeah Janaza ? Janazay kay saath chalnay wala
What is shia E Ali (a.s) – Ali ( a.s) kay saath Chalna wala
Runtime: 28m:59s
[01] 01 Safar 1435 - Rasam Deendari wa Fitna Akhriuz Zaman - H.I Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Majlis No. 1
Speaker : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi |
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضیٰ زیدی
Date : 1 Safar 1435 -...
Majlis No. 1
Speaker : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi |
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضیٰ زیدی
Date : 1 Safar 1435 - 05 December 2013
Topic : Rasam Deendari wa Fitna Akhriuz Zaman | رسمِ دینداری و فتنہ آخرالزمان
Venue : Bhojani Hall, Karachi
Runtime: 64m:39s
[02] 02 Safar 1435 - Rasam Deendari wa Fitna Akhriuz Zaman - H.I Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
Majlis No. 02
Speaker : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi |
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضیٰ زیدی
Date : 02 Safar 1435...
Majlis No. 02
Speaker : Hujjatul Islam Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi |
حجۃ الاسلام سید علی مرتضیٰ زیدی
Date : 02 Safar 1435 - 06 December 2013
Topic : Rasam Deendari wa Fitna Akhriuz Zaman | رسمِ دینداری و فتنہ آخرالزمان
Venue : Bhojani Hall, Karachi
Runtime: 54m:20s