فکرِ خمينی اسلام کا دفاع Part 4 Defence of Islam by Ideology of Ayatullah Khomenei (Seminar)
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam,...
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam, Rehabr Khamnie and Ahmedineejad Personalities. Thanks to the Nasiran e Imam (Karachi). Banu Ummia sahjre mumnoah mumnooa
Runtime: 42m:42s
فکرِ خمينی اسلام کا دفاع Part 1 Defense of Islam by the Ideology of Ayatullah Khomenei (Seminar
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam,...
شجرممنوعہ کون ہيں Must watch Seminar by Agha Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Ideology of Imam Khomenei is the only way to defend islam, Rehabr Khamnie and Ahmedineejad Personalities. Thanks to the Nasiran e Imam (Karachi). Banu Ummia sahjre mumnoah mumnooa
Runtime: 36m:1s
[Audio] - 20th Dec 08 مباہلہ - Self Control and Signs of Success by AMZ - Urdu
Nafs ka Muhasiba oar kamyabi ki nishaniyaan
How to evaluate our life?
Parameters for assesment of life (Weatlh,Fame & Power)....
Nafs ka Muhasiba oar kamyabi ki nishaniyaan
How to evaluate our life?
Parameters for assesment of life (Weatlh,Fame & Power).
Outcome of assessment of our life.
In our criteria who is momin,naik,active?
Parameter of Quran for success and loss.
Impact of Tazkia-e-Nafs.
Four types of People and their attributes.
Message of Ghadeer.
Ghadeer of our time.
Message of Mubahila.
Think do we have Ghadeer and Mubahila in our lives?
Think we just celebrates Ghadeer and Mubahila but not practically acting on it.
Why is the hindrance in the reappearance of Imam Zamana a.s.?
Think are we preparing for zahoor-e-Imam Zamana a.s or creating hindrance in zahoor?
Runtime: 65m:58s
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