World Government News clips for Dajaal - Part 2 - English & Urdu
world is ruled by few banking families who want to create one world government in order to enslave the humanity that is seems to Dajjalic system
world is ruled by few banking families who want to create one world government in order to enslave the humanity that is seems to Dajjalic system
Runtime: 29m:45s
Marjiyat by some Shia Ulama of Pakistan - Urdu
Marjiyat by some Shia Ulama of Pakistan - Urdu. Maulana Jan Ali Shah Kazmi. Maulana Hasan Zafar. Maulana Murtaza Zaidi.
Marjiyat by some Shia Ulama of Pakistan - Urdu. Maulana Jan Ali Shah Kazmi. Maulana Hasan Zafar. Maulana Murtaza Zaidi.
Runtime: 6m:42s