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The Thematic Commentary On The Holy Quran - 054 - Seven oft-repeated = سبعا من المثاني و القرآن العظيم - English
6m 35s
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“Allah has made Fatiha equal to the whole Glorious Quran. Because, this Surah mentions us, and we and our path has been praised; and it flays our enemies and their way. The Right Path is of those...
“Allah has made Fatiha equal to the whole Glorious Quran. Because, this Surah mentions us, and we and our path has been praised; and it flays our enemies and their way. The Right Path is of those great Imams, and ‘those upon whom is Thy wrath’, are those who have usurped their rights, and ‘the people going astray’ refers to those who follow the usurpers, such as Abubakr, Umar and Othmaan, and accept them as their leaders. It means that, this Surah was revealed for them, and it has more excellence over the w
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