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Holy Quran - Surah Al Nuh, Surah No 71 - Arabic sub English sub Urdu
5m 31s
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This is a “meccan” surah.
The Holy Prophet (saw) said that those who recite this surah will get a reward equal to the number of people who believe in Prophet Nuh (as).
This is a “meccan” surah.
The Holy Prophet (saw) said that those who recite this surah will get a reward equal to the number of people who believe in Prophet Nuh (as).
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (as) said that those who believe in ALLAH (swt), His Prophet (saw) and recite the Holy Qur’an, should never leave out surah Nuh as they will gain a place among the favoured servants of ALLAH (swt) by reciting it. He will get three places in Jannah instead of one and he will be given 200 hur or huriyah . Any supplications made after reciting this surah are quickly answered. The one who recites this surah often will not die until he/she sees his/her place in Jannah.
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