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[AL-QUDS 2012] Times Square, New York USA : Yusuf Abdul-Mateen of Blak Madeen - 17 August 2012 - English
11m 36s
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International Day of Quds 2012, Times Square, NY
Al Quds Committee New York (www.alqudsday.org)
Master-of-Ceremonies: Radio Rahim (radiorahimonline.com)
Muslim MC Yusuf...
International Day of Quds 2012, Times Square, NY
Al Quds Committee New York (www.alqudsday.org)
Master-of-Ceremonies: Radio Rahim (radiorahimonline.com)
Muslim MC Yusuf Abdul-Mateen is one-half of the elite Boston unit Blak Madeen. Born in the Merrimack Valley of Massachusetts to an Irish-American family in the late 70s, Yusuf's passion for hip hop culture was developed while attending a Catholic high school in Lawrence, MA. His interest in music was only superseded by his interest in Islam, which he started reading about as a child. He finally converted to Islam in 2003. By then his recording career had already begun but now his lyrics would take on a spiritual and political edge. His calm, dead-pan delivery consists of powerful words and contain a message with every song.
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