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Commentary of Dua Abu Hamza Thumali - Lecture 1 - Sheikh Hamza Sodagar - English
45m 14s
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On Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th May 2010, AIM organised a 2-day Course titled \\\'Understanding God; The Spiritual Relationship Between the Creator and the Created\\\'. The course educated...
On Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th May 2010, AIM organised a 2-day Course titled \\\'Understanding God; The Spiritual Relationship Between the Creator and the Created\\\'. The course educated students about the importance of developing a spiritual relationship between Allah [swt] and His creation through an intensive 6-hour weekend programme. This lecture is a part of the course which relates to the Dua Abu Hamza Thumali which Sheikh Hamza Sodagar discussed to highlight the relationship between God and His Creation and how we should approach and apply the words of the duas in our life.
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