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[03 June 2012] Iran hosts international confab on Imam Khomeini - English
2m 25s
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[03 June 2012] Iran hosts international confab on Imam Khomeini - English
Thinkers and scholars from 60 world countries have taken part in the conference. Iran has hosted an international...
[03 June 2012] Iran hosts international confab on Imam Khomeini - English
Thinkers and scholars from 60 world countries have taken part in the conference. Iran has hosted an international conference to discuss ethics and politics from the viewpoint of the late Imam Khomeini. The conference comes as Iran is preparing to mark the 23rd anniversary of the demise of late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini on June 3. Thinkers and scholars from different world countries have already arrived in Tehran to commemorate the occasion. Thinkers believe that the teachings of Imam Khomeini will continue to inspire Muslims around the world in the years to come. Imam Khomeini, who overthrew the Shah regime back in 1979 and established the Islamic Republic believed that the keys to the victory of the Islamic revolution were the faith in God, reliance on the people and unity in words and action. Imam Khomeini died on June 3, 1989.
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