Majlis 2 - Shahadat Bibi Zehra sa - Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi - Urdu
3 majalis held on the occasion of shahadat of Bibi Fatima Zehra sa Actual flags of shrines of Imam Hussain as and Hazrat Abbas as were presented in...
3 majalis held on the occasion of shahadat of Bibi Fatima Zehra sa Actual flags of shrines of Imam Hussain as and Hazrat Abbas as were presented in front of momineen for ziarat in this majlis
Runtime: 49m:17s
Speech - Eid e Ghadeer 1432 - 2011 - AMZ - Urdu
Speech delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on occasion of Jashne Eide Ghadeer 1432 H or November 2011
Speech delivered by Moulana Syed Ali Murtaza Zaidi on occasion of Jashne Eide Ghadeer 1432 H or November 2011
Runtime: 47m:53s