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Sahar Tv
Website: www.urdutv.ir
Islamic Republic of Iran
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Sahar Urdu TV
"Sahar Universal Network" is one of several TV channels that runs under the supervision of IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) World Service. "Urdu TV" is one of the TVs of this network that broadcasts its programs in Urdu language. It started to work on April 30, 2001. Duration of Urdu TV has been 30 minutes at the start and it has been increased and came up to 90 minutes since the opening of 2002. With the opening of the second channel of Sahar Universal Network in early 2010 and increasing the airing time of the 6 TVs of this network to twice their previous amount (from 19 hours to 38 hours daily), Urdu TV is currently broadcasting 3 hours a day and may be viewed on channel 2 of Sahar Network.
General and specific objectives of establishing Urdu TV are as follows:
1. Creating a mutual understanding and boosting the correlation and trust between Iranian Muslims and other nations. Also paving the way for cultural exchange with the Muslims in subcontinent and other Muslim nations based on commonalities in religious culture
2. Introducing the Islamic Republic of Iran (its history, and natural or tourist attractions) and an attempt to introduce the culture, tradition and customs in Iran
3. Opposing the dominance of non-Islamic culture in the world of Islam, and explaining the exploitative policies in addition to revealing the intentions of Zionists and vindictive powers
4. Notifying the audiences of the factual news and events in the world of Islam and liberating movements and showing the stance of Islamic Republic of Iran against them
5. Propagating and introducing the rich culture of Islam in order to clear up the genuine Islam of Holy Mohammed of the misgivings of foreign media
6. Reflection of achievements after the Islamic Revolution and propounding the opinions and thoughts of late founder of Islamic republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, and also explaining the stance of Supreme Leader of Islamic Republic of Iran
7. Explaining and illuminating the dangerous backwash of presence of U.S. forces in the region
8. Standing against the religious doubts that are created by those who are against the unity of Islam, schismatic plots among the followers of Islamic religion and also attempting to stabilize the unity of Shiites and Sunnis
9. Providing the audiences with a full insight about the consequences of having political, military or economical relations with Israel
10. Providing the audiences with more information about Farsi-speakers
Air Time and Duration
The programs of Urdu TV are now aired from 15:00 to 18:00 Tehran Local Time, 17:00 to 20:00 India Local Time, 16:30 to 19:30 Pakistan Local Time, and 11:30 to 14:30 GMT.
How to Receive the Signals of Sahar Universal Network
The Areas Covered by Hotbird 8 Satellite and the Guide to Receive its Pictures
Hotbird 8
Europe, Some Parts of Asia and Northern Africa
Sat position: 13 East
Frequency: 12437
Symbol Rate: 27500
Polarization: H
FEC: ����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½������¯������¿������½����¯�¿�½������¯����¯�¿�½������¿����¯�¿�½������½����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������¯����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������¿����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������½����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½������¯������¿������½����¯�¿�½������¯����¯�¿�½������¿����¯�¿�½������½����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½������¯������¿������½����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������¾
The Areas Covered by Asiasat 3 Satellite and the Guide to Receive its Pictures
Asiasat ( 105/5 )
The Whole of Asia-pacific, A Great Part of Europe and a small Part of Northeast Africa
Frequency: 12353.250 MHZ
Symbol rate: 30/000 MS/S
Polarization: V
FEC: 5/6
The Coverage Area and Particular Audiences of Urdu TV
Like the other five TVs of Sahar Universal Network, Urdu TV is broadcasted by Hotbird 1, 2, 3 and Asiasat 3. It covers a vast area including whole Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus, some parts of Northern Africa, Oceania, and all the countries in the subcontinent of India and Eastern Asia too. Thus, the particular audiences of Urdu TV are the Urdu-speakers living in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh other Urdu-speakers in Europe and all around the world. Urdu TV could be seen through cable TVs in different regions in Pakistan like, Karachi, Lahore, Quetta, Gilget, Peshawar, Mir pour, Rajooeh Sadat, and in some regions in India like, Jamo and Kashmir, Lakheno, Heidarabad and Alipour. "Baabeilm" institute in London also shows some programs of Urdu TV on its website: Baabeilm.org. Most of its audiences are in regions like, Kashmir, Gilgeit, and Karachi.
The Structure and Thematic Extent
The structure of the topics and genres of programs in Urdu TV is miscellaneous. To promulgate its messages, Urdu TV of Sahar Universal Network does not only take the political issues into account, but also the cultural, social and economical topics. This medium makes use of different genres in producing the programs. News, miscellaneous programs, scientific and social documentaries, clips, game shows, etc. are some of these genres.
The most important programs of Urdu TV are as follows:
Based on the importance, necessity and the need of particular audiences of Urdu TV, news and incidents in Iran, Subcontinent and Eastern Asia (especially, the target countries), countries in the World of Islam and other parts of the world are broadcast along with some reports by correspondents in Islamabad, Seringer and New Delhi.
At the moment, this TV has got a newsagent in these cities. It informs its audiences of the incidents in the target zone as quickly as possible. Considering the doubts raised about the role of Islamic Republic of Iran in current changes in the world and also its part in some domestic issues, this TV is to make its audiences aware of antagonism and misrepresentation of imperialist media and wants to inform the viewers of events in Islamic Republic of Iran.
The news section of Urdu TV is aired every day for the audience of this media starting at 16:30 (Tehran local time) for 20 minutes.
The Press
The most significant newspaper headlines and articles in Iran, the target zone and the world are selected to inform the watchers. As a program that is shown on a routine basis, the producers of it are to increase the knowledge of audiences about the events. They are in search of expanding viewers' information in order to look at the changes in the world profoundly and analytically.
Political Forum
The political forum of Urdu TV as a routine is broadcast live and by inviting some experts to studio or making telephone connections with some experts in the target zone and London Office, etc. to analyze different current political issues. In addition to surveying the topic, it studies the backdrop and different consequences of political events.
25 percent of the experts are connected through live SNG connection with IRIB office in London and the others are Urdu-speakers citizens in Iran.
You and Sahar (Bazm Anjam)
In fact, "You and TV" is a connecting rod between Urdu TV and its audiences. As a program in which a mixture of live in-studio programs and some pre-produced parts, it sets forth the requests, opinions and the criticisms of the audiences and also tries to boost the connection between the viewers and TV through a face to face and live interaction. The other different segments of this program include the introduction of recent productions of Sahar Universal Network and other departments in IRIB, introducing different segments of program, reports, phone calls of the audiences, etc.
Weekly View
In this program, the chief political issues of the week are discussed by the help of pictures and narrations while the experts are invited to studio, or are interviewed on the phone.
Films and Serials
In this part, it has been tried to produce and broadcast films and series based on the characteristics and interests of Urdu-speaking audiences. Some examples of well-liked series are "Avicenna", "Zahra's Green Eyes", "She was an Angel", "Our House", "Jurisprudence of Love", "Saint Mary", "Men of Angeles", "From Karkheh to Rhine", "Messenger", "Mohammed, Holy Prophet (PBUH)", "The Day of Judgment", and...which are dubbed by Urdu TV.
Occasional Programs, Documentaries, TV Magazines...
Different religious and national occasions, force the producers to make and broadcast such programs. These types of programs are either aired live or presented as produced programs. Various documentaries, one-episodic or multi-episodic programs with different structures are to introduce the culture of different nations, cultural and tourist attractions in Iran, and the achievements of Islamic Republic of Iran in different fields, etc. Promos, clips and different interludes are the other productions of this TV. Some examples of such programs are, "Chaste Message", "The Epitome of Goodness", etc. In general, Urdu TV covers a vast variety of topics and genres, and takes this notion into account in presenting its programs to the audiences.
Some of Urdu TV's produced programs are as follows:
Passengers of Science & Art
A scientific-cultural series that is being produced in fourteen 15-minute episodes with the help of Science, Research, and Technology Ministry, this documentary is to draw a picture of social status and living conditions of foreign students in Iran. It introduces the Educational facilities, welfare services, the backgrounds to attract international students, academic position of Iranian professors and universities, higher education generalities in Iran. It also compares it with other countries, especially the neighboring ones.
Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin, Industrial University of Isfahan, Universities of Shiraz, Mashad, and Tehran, Shahid Beheshti University, Sharif Industrial University, Amir Kabir, Allama Tabatabai, Tarbiat Moddares, and Science & Industry University are among the places which have been pictured here.
A Window on the Sea
In this dramatic program that has a moral topic, the narrator shows up and actors use the animal and human masks to narrate the stories of Molana's "Masnavi Manavi" like the stories of Peacock Feather & the Wise Man, The Grocer & Parrot, Bear's Friendship, Caught Deer, Snake-Charmer & Dragon, etc.
These interludes are to expand the rich Iranian-Islamic culture by the help of the great literary texts of Iranian literature. They are about some moral topics and express religious wisdom and life skills of differing eras. They show the situations in which the characters are placed and at the end of each episode we are led to an individual or social basic strategy which is ubiquitous.
Every episode is consisted of several scenes i.e. it is composed of differing locations and atmospheres and the stories of every episode are formed by the actors. They are in black clothes and human or animal masks. The narrator narrates the introduction and elaborates on its educational tips at the end.
Using masks to express the thematic concepts of "Masnavi Manavi" via totally subjective d����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½������¯������¿������½����¯�¿�½������¯����¯�¿�½������¿����¯�¿�½������½����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������¯����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������¿����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������½����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½������¯������¿������½����¯�¿�½������¯����¯�¿�½������¿����¯�¿�½������½����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½������¯������¿������½����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������©cor and atmosphere, using the conceptive texts and preserving the essence of the story and the messages of Molavi's poems, brevity in statement while keeping the content of messages are among the other features of this drama series.
Story of Life
This program intends to make use of the opinions of the salient religious experts of Qom Hoza like Molana Masood Akhtar Razavi, Molana Zaker Hossein Taheri, Molana Gholam Mohammad Fakhreddin, and Seyed Gholam Razavi who will be invited to the studio, this program wants to discuss different topics in ethical, social, and religious fields. Marriage, Repentance, Hijab, Reliance, Fear and Hopefulness, Anticipation, Saying Prayers and Visiting Relatives are among the subjects that will be discussed compendiously in "Story of life".
One of the features of this program is drawing the animations of the anecdotes and stories of Holy Koran while the presenter is talking to the experts in the program. Showing Iranian musical clips with religious and ethical themes is another item that gives visual diversity to this program.
How to Contact Urdu TV
Tel +982122041030
Fax +982122162824
E-mail [email protected]
Web http://urdutv.irib.ir
Address Sahar Universal Network, IRIB, Jam-e-Jam Ave., Valiasr St., Tehran, Iran